So who are you exactly?

I am an iOS developer with a passion for coding...
Find out more about me below.

I really appreciate you visiting my website. I do hope that you continue to visit and check back on future updates to my website.

It's because of people like you I may continue programming and pursuing my career in this field.


My Skills

Here is what I am most proficient in.

Take a look at what my skills are at or don't your choice... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Programming Skills

Below are current progress bars of what I know in the programming universe.

Objective C/Objective C++

I mostly code in this language...


Objective C/Objective C++ is a langauage primarialy used by Apple Inc. for over 30+ years. They use this for their mobile and desktop operating systems.

Logos + Objective C/Objective C++

I mostly code in this language...


This is the language that most Cydia Substrate and iOS runtime modification programs are written in.


I've coded a few things using this lanaguage just not my cup of tea.


Swift is a langauage primarialy used by Apple Inc. in their mobile and desktop operating systems. Released in 2014 with iOS 8. This programming language is a superset of C/Objective C functions and it's similar to that of Java with modern syntax.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)/CSS/Javascript/etc.

I am familiar with these languages just not that proficient in them.


These languages are primarily used for web development and other awesome projects such as web applications for mobile devices.

Visual Basic/.NET Framework/Batch File Scripting

I've written in this language before although it's from Microsoft I do like it and I have written a few programs with it.


Visual Basic is a language from Microsoft that one can use as apart of the .NET Framework in VIsual Studio. It's a powerful langauge that you can use to make WIndows apps with.


I've written in this language before again not my cup of tea.



Where in the heck is my TEA at?

No this isn't Starbucks or your average cup of Joe...
You silly goose.
Java is a langauge created by the Sun/Oracle Corporation.
It's used everywhere from phones, televisions, Android OS, and other things.